Our Pricing
Monthly Training Fees
All training fees are paid monthly and are based upon a 4 week month, this means over the course of a year you're paying for 48 lessons if you train once per week and 96 lessons if you're training twice per week. The remaining four weeks are for our holidays - even martial artists need them :)
Throughout the year if you miss a class through for example, sickness, your own holidays or any other reason you can simply double up on your training over the following weeks, until you've made up your lessons.
Below you can see our monthly pricing. As the pricing shows, there are discounts provided depending upon whether you train with other family members, and depending upon how many days per week that you train:
Number of students in a family training once per week:
1 student in a family - is £29.50 per month
2 students in a family - is £50.00 per month in total
3 students in a family - is £70.00 per month in total
If students want to train twice per week then the monthly prices are as follows:
1 student trains twice per week - is £50 per month in total
2 students in a family training twice per week - is £ 92.50 per month in total
3 students in a family training twice per week - is £127.50 per month in total
One off Joining Fees
When you first start training like all activities you will need some basic items and we include this in a one off joing fee payment. The joining fee covers:
- your required Taekwondo uniform
- your first belt - the white belt
- your annual licence
- full access to our online training support guide available on the web and via a mobile app
- your syllabus handbook
The total cost of this joining package is as follows:
- for 3-5 year olds - is £75, which we reduce to £50 if you join before the 3rd week of your first trial lesson
- for 5+ - is £100 but reduces to £80 for the first student, £65 for any second family member joining, and £40 for every third or more family members​, if you join before the 3rd week of your first trial lesson